Carols on the Yard
St. Pius X BNSCarols on the Yard for St. Vincent De Paul will take place on the last day of the school term on the front yard, beside reception @11.30. The school will close at 12.00 noon for Christmas break
Carols on the Yard for St. Vincent De Paul will take place on the last day of the school term on the front yard, beside reception @11.30. The school will close at 12.00 noon for Christmas break
St. Pius X BNS will be closed on Thursday Feb 16th and Friday Feb 17th for February Midterm
St. Pius X BNS will be closed on Friday March 17th for St. Patrick's Day
St. Pius X BNS will close at 12.00 on Friday next March 31st for end of term and Easter break. The school will reopen for term 3 on April 17th at 08.45
The 2nd Classes will celebrate the sacrament of communion on Sunday May 21st in St. Pius X Church at 11.30am
6th Class confirmation will take place in St. Pius X Church on Saturday May 27th at 11.00am