Including, Innovating, Inspiring.

DLP Mr. Lorcan Coyle | DDLP Ms. Sinéad Lally

PH: (01) 490 3057

School Office

Office: 08:45 - 14:30

Monday to Friday

Forfield Park

Terenure, D6W HP92

Tuesday brought a myriad of emotions to St. Pius X, as our senior team took to the field in Croke Park in the Div 1 football final. After a cracking game, where the spectators from 3rd to 6th got to enjoy all the skills of gaelic games, we unfortunately came out on the wrong side of the result.

We are very proud of the team who have inspired the junior classes and their classmates. They gave it their all.

More photos will be available in the next few days. Thanks to Bernie Anderson and her team for organising the reception for the team. Thanks too, to the team of teachers that gave up their time after school and looked after all the teams this season.

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