Including, Innovating, Inspiring.

DLP Mr. Lorcan Coyle | DDLP Ms. Sinéad Lally

PH: (01) 490 3057

School Office

Office: 08:45 - 14:30

Monday to Friday

Forfield Park

Terenure, D6W HP92


The boys in Ms. O’ Kelly’s had a fun packed Math’s Week, completing a number of Math’s activities’ around the school and in the classroom. Great fun was had solving math’s problem and playing Math’s games.
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The boys in Ms. Stewart’s Junior Infants enjoyed some mindfulness this week when they completed some yoga and relaxing tasks. Yard time was at a premium due to the weather so it was nice to relax and meditate in the classroom.
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The boys in Ms. Brogan’s class took to Bushy Park with their 6th class buddies from Mr. Cunningham to complete a nature trail before the leaves have fallen from the trees. The 6th class boys showed their Junior partners all the different trees that can be found around Bushy. The weather might not have been great, but it was all 
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It was Math’s Week in St. Pius X last week and all the classes dodged the rain showers as they completed math trails around the school. Ms. O’Kelly’s Senior Infants searched high and low to find shapes around their yard and had a great time trying to find them all.  
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In a dazzling display of skill and determination, young Cristian emerged as the star of the Irish National Karate Open. He clinched numerous medals, leaving the audience in awe. This primary school talent showcased exceptional prowess, marking his ascent in the world of karate. Cristian’s future shines brightly!
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The boys in Ms. Dunne’s 2nd class had a visit from a staff member from the GNS today. Heather the Ambassador was centre of attention as she visited the boys today and checked out how everyone was doing. I may have forgot to mention Heather is no ordinary teacher but in fact a dog!!. The boys had great fun, and 
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The boys in Mr. Smyth’s 6th class had a treat for their Junior Infant buddy’s today when they brought them to the GP to do science. The boys investigated the theme of electricity, looking at insulators and conductors and creating their own little circuits. Well done boys. The atmosphere in the GP Room was electric!!!
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The boys in 1st class headed for Bushy Park this week on a nature trail to look at the different trees and plants in their Autumn state. The boys had great fun and loved all the colours of the leaves spread around Bushy Park and even completed a trail finding all the different trees. Well done boys. Ms. Herity’s Class 
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After an absence, Sam Maguire returned to St. Pius X BNS yesterday to celebrate with the boys across the school. Accompanied by our local Dublin superstar Lorcan O Dell, and Kevin, our TSS GPO, every class got to meet Lorcan and Sam and ask questions about what it is like to be a Dublin footballer. To celebrate we also got 
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Today, we remember especially our classmate and friend, Michael Horgan, from Ms. Dunne’s 2nd Class who passed away earlier this week. Michael made a lasting impact on everyone he met. He was very popular in class and his never ending positivity and inquisitiveness put everyone in good humour.  We are very proud that Michael is a pupil of St. Pius 
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